Dr Mthethwa

Dr Phakamani Goodman Mthethwa did his undergrad degree in Cuba (Facilitated de Ciencias Medicas de Cienfuegos); he graduated in 2008 from Wits University Medical School. He then interned in Gauteng and did community service at Edendale Regional hospital (PMB). After impressing as a medical officer in the orthopaedics department of Pietermaritzburg, he was honoured with the registrar post at the University of KwaZulu-Natal to specialize in orthopaedics surgery, where he obtained a master’s in medicine in orthopaedic surgery and fellowship in orthopaedic surgery with Collage of Medicine of South Africa.

He is further trained as an expert in bone tumours, infection, and limb deformity correction. Furthermore, he has been trained in lower limb joint replacement (Arthroplasty fellow) at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Unit. He currently serves as a Head of the Clinical Unit - Orthopaedics at Dr Pixley Isa kaSeme Memorial Hospital and tumour, sepsis, and limb reconstruction.

He also teaches and trains junior doctors who are aspired to be specialists. He is passionate about orthopaedic surgery and teaching. He is a senior honorary lecturer in the University of KwaZulu-Natal Medical School Orthopaedics Department. Although he practices as a general orthopaedic surgeon and an academic, he has much interest in lower limb bone infections, tumours (cancer), correction of deformities and hip/knee joint replacement.
